Episode Guide Download

LINKS NO LONGER WORKING!!! I apologize for the inconvenience. The link belonged to my old account that I haven't logged into forever which led to my inactive account being deleted. Completely my fault. I don't have the original documents anymore as it was on my old laptop that crashed. I will work on a new one or you can make your own. 

I've created my own checklist for my Doctor Who journey. My time may be oh so little to fit in Doctor Who in my life but that's the purpose of me creating this primarily for myself. Since I'm so fucking nice of a person, I decided to share this with you all. So if you want to use this as a checklist or what have you...here you go. Tweak as necessary if you see I made a boo boo. It's not flawless but it's the best that my Word skills can dish out. So enjoy, bitches!

*I've assembled this checklist into which episode is available on what from Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Instant Prime. Color coodinated so enjoy the colorful bunch of awesomeness.

Regular Episode Checklist/Guide

*And if you prefer just plain black and white (NO colors nor any indication of where to catch which episode on whateva) I've modified it as so:

Black and White only Checklist/Guide

**Also I'm in the process of creating a checklist with actual links embedded. Of course...digging and sorting through 50 years worth of episodes is quite a doozy so don't hold your breath.**